Tamiya Models
Explore our extensive collection of Tamiya Models, celebrated for their precision, detail, and historical accuracy. From US and British to German and Ukrainian military vehicles, these kits bring iconic machines to life with authentic detail, making them ideal for both history enthusiasts and seasoned modelers alike.
Each model captures the technical nuances and historical significance of military vehicles, offering a rewarding and immersive building experience. Dive into the world of Tamiya’s military models and recreate the past with stunning accuracy, where every piece is a tribute to engineering excellence and the stories of warfare.
Due to high demand, occasionally some of our products do go out of stock. We are constantly monitoring our stock levels, and we usually expect to replenish any product line within a couple of weeks. Please contact us with any specific queries.

Tamiya Military & Automotive Modelling
Tamiya Models
Tamiya Models is a globally renowned brand in the scale modeling industry, celebrated for its high-quality model kits and attention to detail. Established in Japan in 1946, Tamiya has become synonymous with excellence in the modeling world, offering an extensive range of products that include military vehicles, aircraft, ships, cars, and motorcycles. Each Tamiya kit is meticulously crafted to provide an authentic and realistic building experience, making them a favorite among hobbyists and collectors. Known for their precision, durability, and innovative engineering, Tamiya Models continue to inspire creativity and passion, setting the standard for model kits worldwide. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced modeler, Tamiya's comprehensive selection and exceptional quality make them the go-to brand for all your modeling needs.